
I will be posting essays on many topics, such as literary vs political minds, freeloaders, atheists, guns, voting, agency, bike bells, and more.


My novels (including published and unpublished works) will be serialized at least for a few chapters. Short stories and poems will appear as well.

I will be setting it up so that if you like a type of work you can subscribe mainly to that.

I look forward to the journey and hope you find it scenic!

Subscribe to Ed’s Writings

Essays and Fiction


Author, musician, teacher Writer of fiction and nonfiction; music columnist for Scottish Life magazine 1996-2020; co-leader of music & walking tours of Scotland 2009-2022; fiddle performer and teacher since 1979.
Ed has written short stories, poems, three novels, 100 magazine columns, and years of blog articles about music. Back in the 1970s, he earned a B.A. in Literature from Yale, where he got to learn from writers such as David Milch and Jerzy Kosinsky.