Ed, I commend you on your even handed approach. I'm pretty sure I'd be less gracious about the whole thing. Mountains out of molehills and all that, with some folks following the crowd because they heard about the latest must-have outrage cause.

Reminds me of the old joke about the guy who calls the cops because his neighbor is walking around naked. When the cop arrives, he says "I don't see anything" and the guy says "Well, you have to get up on this chair and use the binoculars."

I don't have a lot of patience for these cause-of-the-day things, nor for those who get riled up because someone told them it was the thing to do this month. As Auslander mentions, the purity that some people insist upon simply doesn't exist. Instead of mindlessly pushing the cancel button, we can step back and access the situation for what it is, not for what the virtue zealots want it to be to justify their indignation.

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